Pre-Nursing Student

Trusted by 430,000+ current and future nurses

You CAN get into nursing school . . . we can help!​

A supplemental learning platform to help you crush the HESI®-A2 or TEAS® exam and develop a rock solid understanding of nursing school prep courses in one place.

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"I was so nervous going from prerequisites to nursing school. Thank goodness for"
-Alexis, 2020 Nursing School Graduate

34% of qualified nursing school applicants are rejected each year

Getting into nursing school is more competitive than ever​

Finding reliable nursing school prep courses and question apps is hard . . . and NO ONE likes reading a textbook!​

We help you get into nursing school, here’s how . . .​ logo

Prereq Review Courses

HESI® A2 Review Course

TEAS® Review Course

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Pre-Nursing Video Review Courses​

Master Pre-Nursing Required Courses

Clear And Concise Video Lessons On All Nursing School Prereqs, At Your Finger Tips, Taught By Master Trained Educators.​​

Crafting easy to understand videos is actually a lot of work. The process begins with our educator team talking to current and future nurses (like you) to understand their concerns and needs.

We then begin the long process of hiring and training highly skilled educators who are practicing in their field. After they complete our extensive training process they begin working with a coach to create new lessons.

Each lesson goes through multiple checks to ensure clarity and quality before you ever see it!

Cardiac Cycle Sample Video

500+ HESI® A2 and TEAS® practice questions

Ace your entrance exam

Walk out of the HESI® A2 or TEAS® feeling like you just took a 1st grade spelling test

Crafting easy to understand videos is actually a lot of work. The process begins with our educator team talking to current and future nurses (like you) to understand their concerns and needs.

We then begin the long process of hiring and training highly skilled educators who are practicing in their field. After they complete our extensive training process they begin working with a coach to create new lessons.

Each lesson goes through multiple checks to ensure clarity and quality before you ever see it!

Visual Study Tools​

master content with visual learning tools for every learning style​

35% of students are visual learners and 55% have anxiety, ADHD, dyslexia or other learning difference

Each lessons includes quick access to learning tools like nursing cheatsheets, care plans, downloadable notes and more. Make the material stick like glue with over 2,500+ resources.

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"I've seen my grades shoot through the roof, and the time I spend studying has literally cut in half."

Clyde, Nursing School Graduate

The "old" way



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Used By Over 430,000+ Top Nurses And Nursing Students At . . .

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