Propylthiouracil (PTU) Nursing Considerations

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Hey guys, let's take a look at the drug prohi UIL also known as PTU. This is an oral medication. As you can see here, the therapeutic class or how purpley UIL works in the body is an anti thyroid. The pharmacologic class or chemical effect of this drug is a Theo mine. So PTU works by inhibiting thyroid hormone, which is why it is used for the treatment of hyperthyroidism and is also used off lead for graves disease, and also a thyroid storm. Some of the side effects that we see with PTU are hepatotoxicity nausea, vomiting, and a GRA. Cytosis a few nursing considerations for PTU B. Sure. To monitor your patient for any symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism for dosage adjustments, and also monitor your patients. Weight frequently, PTU may cause leukopenia thrombocytopenia and jaundice lab work that should be cleed completed. Your patient is on this medication is their white blood cell count. As well as liver function tests teach the patient that they should take PTU with meals. So guys, this is important for our safety. As nurses PTU is considered a group two hazardous agent. So it is super important that you use your personal protective equipment when handling and administering this drug. 

That's it for proso or PTU now go out and be your best self today and as always happy nursing.
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