Fluoxetine (Prozac) Nursing Considerations

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Okay, let's talk about fluoxetine also known as Prozac. This is an oral medication, as you can see here in the picture.

Since fluoxetine or Prozac is a pretty well-known medication, I am sure you are probably familiar with it being an antidepressant, which is its therapeutic class or how it works in the body. The pharmacologic class of fluoxetine is an SSRI or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Remember the pharmacologic class is the chemical effect of the drug. Okay, so fluoxetine works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, which is known as the happy chemical, allowing it to persist longer in the synaptic cleft right here. Fluoxetine has quite a long list of indications, including the treatment of depressive disorder, OCD, bulimia and anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD, diabetic neuropathy, obesity, and bipolar disorder. So antidepressants are known for coming along with some side effects sometimes that are difficult for patients to heal handle. These can include things like drowsiness, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and insomnia. 

Let's take a look at a few nursing considerations for fluoxetine. Super important to assess your patient for suicidal ideations while on Prozac, as this can cause suicidal thoughts, as well as palpitations and elevated liver enzymes. Monitor for serotonin syndrome, mood changes, and nutrition status. Concurrent use of certain medications may cause QT prolongation, especially with antibiotics and antipsychotics. Be sure to teach your patient to maintain good oral hygiene. So in comparison with other SSRIs, fluoxetine or Prozac has a prolonged half-life of nearly a week in patients who take it chronically. So this means the tapering could take over a month to get the patient off of fluoxetine safely. That's it for fluoxetine or Prozac. now go out and be your best self today. And as always happy nursing.
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